Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Ohio


Celebrating 5 years in Marion County

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Ohio is the catalyst of early childhood literacy across Ohio. Through a partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to put more books in the hands of Ohio’s children, we have worked to ensure that every student enters kindergarten ready to succeed. In just few minutes and clicks, you can give your child the gift of books arriving in your mailbox monthly!


START WITH A PLAN -- Marion's Literacy Success Planliteracysuccess

Marion Imagination Library (register below)
My First Library Card
Reading 20 minutes daily.


enroll button

For those children living in MARION COUNTY, it must be a PARENT (or legal guardian) of the child who registers the child, NOT a GRANDPARENT.

What Is Imagination Library?

Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child's name directly to your home. The first book is always the children's classic The Little Engine That Could. Best of all, it is a FREE GIFT to your child because your county partner is raising the funds to make it happen. 

Who Is Eligible?

Children under the age of five in Marion County.

What Are My Responsibilities?

  1. Be a resident of Marion County
  2. Submit an official registration via the button above or the paper English form, Spanish form completely filled out by the authorized adult.
  3. Notify Marion Public Library any time your address changes.  Books are mailed to the address listed on the account.
  4. Read with your child and have fun! Let's Read 20 for additional help and literacy-related activities.

When Will I Receive Books?

Eight to ten weeks after your registration form has been received, books will begin arriving at your home and will continue until your child turns five or you move out of the covered area.

How can you help us keep the books coming for Marion County children?
Grow our fund...


We have set up a fund at Marion Community Foundation for community members to contribute to this great program that creates a foundation for literacy success.
--> ANY amount of donation is acceptable - $5, $10, $20... All funds will go toward delivering books
--> $26 covers the cost of a child receiving the books for one year = 12 books
--> $130 covers the cost of a child receiving the books from age 0 till they turn age 5 = 60 books.
You can make your donation online to the MARION COMMUNITY FOUNDATION fund for Marion Imagination Library.

You can deliver/mail a check or cash donation to Marion Community Foundation, 504 S. State Street, Marion, Ohio 43302
More info available on this downloadable DONOR SHEET.



Marion Public Library is proud to PARTNER with other local agencies to ensure Marion County's participation in this literacy initiative.
We thank these major local contributors:

Dr. Dalsukh A. and Dr. lla Madia
Marion Rotary Club members
100 Women Who Care members
Dayspring Wesleyan Church 
Ray & Charlotte Baldauf Charitable Fund
United Way of North Central Ohio, Inc.
Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative Community Fund 
Marion Junior Service Guild
Molly & Larry Geissler
POET Never Satisfied Grant
American Legion Club #162
Stephen J. Chaney Post 7201
Roger and Janice Vanover
American Legion Harold L. Bradley Post 584
Marion Noon Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
OhioHealth Marion General Hospital
Marion Community Foundation

Help promote Marion's Imagination Library.
Post a poster or share some paper enrollment forms

Marion Imagination Poster - 8.5x11  English   Spanish
Paper enrollment form - half sheet front and back   Spanish half sheet front and back
